Christmas Blessings

I wanted to take a moment and wish each of you a very Merry Christmas! What a joy it has been sharing Christ and His Word with you this past year. Although it was a bit rough after the passing of my mother in February, and caring for my father until he went home to be with our Lord, this past July, I am thankful for the many folks who visited my site and read through posts or listened to previous podcasts.

I didn’t get to post alot this year but I am hoping that will change in the upcoming one.

May God richly bless you this New Year !


Guest post by Connie Faust

Lord, let my spiritual fervor grow

And never diminish with age.

Don’t let m close the book on Your work,

Though this old body turns a new page.

Give me the heart of a Caleb, Lord,

Whose hoary head follows you still;

Though my feeble hands shake

And my ailing knees quake,

Just help me to walk in Your will.

Oh, to be like Caleb, who at the age of 85, said,

“The Lord hath kept me alive— while the children

Of Israel wandered in the wilderness;

As yet I am as strong this day as in the day

That Moses sent me (at 40): as my strength was then, even so is my strength now.

Why was Caleb so blessed?

“Because he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel” (Joshua 14:11-14).


Learning to see the glories of God’s love

I had recently been looking through my library and found this long forgotten gem of a writing by Milton Vincent. I quickly skimmed through this one and decided that it would be helpful for my son to go through as a part of his schooling.

I was correct thinking that way but incorrect in assuming that this little primer had nothing of value for myself.

I had some free time the other day and saw this book laying on the shelf so I picked it up and read through it. I was happy that I did.

All of 97 pages, this gospel primer was a great source of encouragement, reflection, and motivation for me, an older man, in my walk of faith.

Endorsed by godly men such as John MacArthur, C.J. Mahaney, and Jerry Bridges, who’s own estimates of the primer saw it as a ” small but meaty overview of the gospel,” and a ” practical tool with a powerful effect.” Which can be ” literally life changing.”

As I read through the forward at the beginning of the book I was happy to read that the author wanted his readers to take their time with it. ” This book was written slowly. It savors of a slow cooking.. . Let it’s truths drip down deep.” In other words this book and the truths contained within will be found to be a spiritually useful book!

With that exhortation in mind, I continued. The introduction lays out the main purpose of Milton’s effort: “This book is a handy guide to help Christians experience the gospel more fully by preaching it to themselves each day.”

What a much needed exhortation. We often think the gospel saves, but struggle with knowing what to do with it once we are saved! I appreciate Milton expressing that fact because it truly is meant to be more than a once embraced truth to be converted, it actually is “offered to us every day as a gift that keeps on giving to us everything we need for life and godliness.”

Briefly in the introduction and then with greater detail in part IV, the writer shares how he came to the conclusion that the gospel is a much needed focus in the daily walk of a believer.

The first part of this book contains reasons to rehearse the gospel daily. In fact, he gives thirty- one of them designed to remind the reader of some valuable blessings which the gospel can render in the life of the believer who rehearses the gospel in faith each day.

The second and third parts contain: A Gospel Narrative in both a prose and poetic format. Both formats are written in a way that facilitates memorization and smooth recital of the gospel.

I really enjoyed how Milton wrote everything in sections I -III in the first person (I, my, me), because it helped me relate these truths to myself on a deeper personal level. I think it was very wise of him to do so because the truths he is relating come off the pages then as not only relating to his own experience, but also to the daily heart experience of others who meditate on what God in Christ has done for them as well.

I am thankful that the writer mentions often that this book is only a tool to “get you launched in preaching the gospel to yourself and rehearsing it’s benefits.” It is not meant to be a substitute for the gospel.

In part one he gives the thirty -one reasons to rehearse the gospel daily. Here are just a few headings:

1. The New Testament model
2. My daily need
3. The power of God
4. My daily protection
5. Transformed by glory
6. A cure for distrust
8. Freedom from sins power
11 Loving my brother and sister
12. My inheritance in the Saints
15. Cultivating humility
18. Perspective in trials
26. Hope of heaven
27. Mortifying the flesh with fullness

With each one of these headings the writer opens up how the gospel is affective in our lives in these ways. I also must note that every page has all the scriptures cited in which the truths expressed are located!

Part two offers A Gospel Narrative in prose. I found the layout of this very helpful for my own comprehension and application. He begins with our sin against God than moves forward discussing God’s work on our behalf and the resulting salvation that comes from it.

I personally think this section would be helpful in our prayer time. We can use one or two of these truths to pray different things than we normally might. We can pray biblical thoughts by using the scripture citations on the bottom of the page.

Part three offers A Gospel Narrative in a poetic form. I truly appreciated this section. It read smoothly and was greatly appreciated and encouraging to my soul. This section, like the others, has all the scriptures used on the bottom of the page. Not only the reference, but the verse written out as well!

Part IV ends the book with the authors story behind this book. I appreciated his honesty and transparency in sharing his “backstory.”

In short, most of his life was lived by trying to maintain his justification status through his own works. Then one day, alone with his Bible turned to Romans five, the Lord “stirred my soul,” with the truth of my justified status before God, which led Him into a fuller, more meaningful walk of faith!

I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting, perhaps needing, a richer, fuller, more practical understanding of the gospel, that not only saves but satisfies our deepest longings each and everyday afterwards.


Extended reading: Psalm 133:1-3

Devotional reading: verse 1

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!”

This Psalm of David probably had its inspiration around the time the nation had come together, unified, at his coronation. It NOT ONLY praises unity; it shares two very picturesque qualities of it, as seen in the remaining verses. The oil and the dew seem to be a picture of spiritual and material blessings that come forth as a by-product of true unity among brethren.

Which one of us can deny that unity with others: our families, church, and friends, is a great blessing to us and very pleasing in the eyes of our Heavenly Father? Paul expressed it well when he said: “Be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness (humility) of mind let each esteem others better than himself” (Philippians 2:2-3 NKJV). Unity through humility!

How much different would our lives be if such unity was the norm throughout our lives? How much more robust and fulfilling would our relationships be if such peace, love, and like-mindedness were a predominant reality in them?

As sweet as they would be, they are only a faint picture of what believers have and experience in Jesus Christ (John 17:21)! Because of Jesus, we have full participation in all the attributes and essence of God through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit(MacArthur).

We may not always share a like-mindedness with others in our lives, but there can always be like-mindedness of Spirit and focus, which comes through Jesus Christ.